Cover for tenants to protect themselves against additional costs in the event of accidental damage to a rental property.

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Why purchase Easy Rent?

Innovative insurance designed to make sure the experience of renting a holiday home doesn’t become a worry.


Both the renters and owner of the property are protected against any accidental damage.


With this insurance, the owner can have the peace of mind of knowing that any chance event that occurs during the rental of their property is covered, and tenants can concern themselves with enjoying their holidays.

Insurance characteristics

Replaces the security deposit charged to tenants, along with the procedures that this entails.


The renter purchases the insurance for a small amount and is covered against all possible accidental damage. Avoiding the shock of hefty bills when damage occurs accidentally.


The owner will have the peace of mind of knowing that an insurance company will handle any damage to their property


In addition to receiving a fee for recommending our insurance, the agency will know that the tenant and owner are protected, adding value to its services.

¿Qué está asegurado?

Daños en la vivienda arrendada

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